Car sharing - sharing instead of owning


Rear view of car with sharing notice

How does car sharing work?

Many items are no longer bought, but shared. We encounter sharing options more and more frequently. Whether it's an apartment with flatmates or a car. The sharing options are many and varied. But how does a shared car work? And for whom is it worthwhile?

What does car sharing mean?

Car sharing is based on the shared use of a car by several people. There are both private and commercial providers. Customers pay only a flat rate for using the car. In most cases, a charge is made per kilometre and per hour. The cars can be found using an app and are distributed throughout the city.

After registering, you can simply use a car near you. Car sharing is best suited for spontaneous short-term use. There are two types of vehicle locations. Some are distributed throughout the city and have no fixed location. With the second variant, you can start your journey at a specific location and must also end it there. Car sharing vehicles are often located at airports or train stations.

How do I get the car keys?

The vehicle can be opened using an app or a customer card. For this purpose, there is a card reader on the vehicle's windscreen. After you have held your customer card or smartphone with your identification code up to the reader, the vehicle will open. The car keys are often located in the glove compartment of the car-sharing vehicle.

Some providers also provide a safe for the keys next to the car-sharing vehicles. To open the safe, you need a customer card and a PIN. You will receive both of these after registering with the car-sharing provider.

What happens if I am caught speeding in a car-sharing vehicle?

If you are caught speeding in a car-sharing vehicle, you will of course have to pay the applicable fines. But in addition, you will have to pay the car-sharing provider a service fee or service charge for the additional work involved. The amount of the fee varies from provider to provider, but is between 15 and 30 euros. However, you can avoid the fee by notifying the provider that you have exceeded the speed limit and been caught on camera.

Who pays for taxes, repairs, etc.?

The car-sharing provider covers the vehicle tax and all costs for repairs, maintenance and technical inspections.

Can I take the rental car on holiday?

In principle, yes. Some providers even offer special prices and discounts if you use the rented car for longer than their usual customers. Whether this is worthwhile compared to a rental car depends on the provider. However, it makes more sense to rent a car locally at your holiday destination.

Accident with the car-sharing vehicle?

If you as a user have caused an accident with the car-sharing vehicle, the provider's liability insurance or comprehensive insurance will cover the costs. However, you often have to expect a deductible. This means that you have to pay part of the costs for the accident damage.

What is an on-board manual?

Generally, all car-sharing vehicles have an on-board manual. This is where damage to the vehicle or refuelling processes, among other things, are documented. You will also find the car sharing provider's contact details for emergencies such as a vehicle breakdown or an accident.

Here are all the pros and cons at a glance:


  • Fewer cars on the road
  • No fixed costs (vehicle tax, insurance)
  • Costs only incurred when used
  • No costs for repairs


  • Too expensive for spontaneous trips over a longer period of time
  • Billed by the minute
  • Car sharing vehicles are not available everywhere
  • Often inflexible return times


We wish you a pleasant journey, whether you are travelling in a car-sharing vehicle, a leased car or a private car. And if you ever want to leave your car at BER for a flight, we can offer you a safe and affordable parking space at McParking.


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